Celebrate Your Talent
A United States IRS 501c3 that creates adaptive and inclusive education alternatives that are perfect for
Twice-exceptional, 2e, individuals, of all ages, and the unique abilities that they incorporate. We create an environment where sharing feels comfortable and safe. Our approach guides participants to universally accepted positive outcomes.
Our programs are designed with a non-verbal base and lead to increased Communication, Reduced tension, and recognizable Unity. Our interactive base of classical literature brings visibly impactive and rapid results by incorporating detailed focus, physical exercise, nutrition, and transfer of skills in every project.
Join us as we help to unleash the potential of the twice-exceptional.
2e = twice-extraordinary
We have questions, they have answers
At Celebrate Your Talent we’re raising funds and promoting initiatives to serve the people who need them most. We believe in taking action with urgency in order to raise public awareness about some of the most pressing issues facing today’s society. Please join us by supporting our efforts to make a measurable difference in the lives of others.
Who Is Twice-Exceptional
Twice-Exceptional, 2e, individuals are found in all cultures and in all types of humans, with or without visible body characteristics. It can be one person in the family or all of the family. Its usually identifiable best as students. Some people are highly gifted in areas such as math, writing, or music. Then there are those with challenges that affect learning: They could have ADHD, dyslexia or dyscalculia, or perhaps they’re autistic or have sensory processing issues or physical identifiers such as Downs or other physical limitations. But there are also kids who fit both categories. They’re called twice-exceptional, or 2e, which means that they have exceptional ability and disability. They are gifted in some way but they also face learning or developmental challenges.
Challenges And Solutions
The Answers You Need
Celebrate Your Talent is a United States IRS 501c3 that creates adaptive and inclusive education alternatives that are perfect for
Twice-exceptional, 2e, individuals, of all ages, and the unique abilities that they incorporate. We create an environment where sharing feels comfortable and safe. Our approach guides participants to universally accepted positive outcomes.
Our programs are designed with a non-verbal base and lead to increased Communication, Reduced tension, and recognizable Unity. Our interactive base of classical literature brings visibly impactive and rapid results by incorporating detailed focus, physical exercise, nutrition, and transfer of skills in every project.
Join us as we help to unleash the potential of the twice-exceptional.
2e = twice-extraordinary
We have questions, they have answers
What challenges do the Twice-Exceptional face?
The Twice-Exceptional face problems such as frustration, argumentative personalities, poor written expression, sensitivity to criticism, poor organizational skills, poor study habits, stubbornness, and difficulty in social situations. In essence, waiting to be able to see and do more, understand more quickly, and express and share their learning is challenging and for some, explosive!
What is the solution to dealing with these challenges?
The Twice-Exceptional need programs and learning materials/experiences/curriculums that transform the research on 2e,twice-exceptionality, into a daily commitment to combine academic rigor with individualized accommodations and adaptations.
Why Contribute? Who Benefits?
In fact, it helps us all including you!
Twice-exceptional are that important!
Your Contribution Helps Develop Communication for the Twice-Exceptional, 2e, and their families and communities....
We are open to unique contributions of all kinds as well as traditional contributions. Maybe you have a Timeshare you'd like to donate or your own personal time in a field of your talent. Celebrate Your Talent is helping to redefine the nature of giving back and sharing. 10% of contributions are used for administration and is divided between the general and project-specific accounts. All other funds remain with their projects. Undesignated funds are distributed to help finish or start new projects based on urgency.
We also have a unique gifting program that can get donated items to the right person and group anonymously...even if that person or group doesn't "accept charity"... Its all about getting the items needed to the person and people that need them. Contact us for details if this can help you or another continue to use their talents in the best possible way.
Have an idea for a project? Let's do it!
Who Is Twice-Exceptional
Some children are highly gifted in areas such as math, writing or music. Then there are those with challenges that affect learning: They could have ADHD, dyslexia or dyscalculia, or perhaps they’re autistic or have sensory processing issues. But there are also kids who fit both categories. They’re called twice-exceptional, or 2e, which means that they have exceptional ability and disability. They are gifted in some way but they also face learning or developmental challenges.
When 2e kids are identified and supported, they can do better in school and have higher self-esteem. If parents are well informed about what’s going on with the kid, if the teachers really understand that this is a bright kid who just has these one or two areas of weakness, it can affect the way the teachers talk to the kid, the way they teach the kid.
Another way to help 2e kids is to let them know it will get easier. The years from kindergarten through 12th grade are going to be the hardest years in the Twice-Exceptional's lives because they are required to take all the core subjects. But when they head off to college, they can select the courses in their areas of strength. After that, they can choose careers that are suited to their strengths again and really shine there as well.
Contact Us
What Do The Twice-Exceptional Do
The Twice-Exceptional are often very talented in an array of ways including: creativity, sophisticated sense of humor, wide range of interests, advanced ideas, excellent vocabulary, and special talents that consume their attentions.